
Department of Psychiatry Welcomes Vishnu P. Murty, PhD to Its Faculty


The Department of Psychiatry is pleased to welcome Vishnu Murty, PhD to its faculty and as the newest investigator to the Laboratory of Neurocognitive Development.

After obtaining his undergraduate degree in Neuroscience from Brown University, Dr. Murty completed a fellowship at the National Institute of Mental Health. He earned his PhD in Neurobiology with a certificate in Cognitive Neuroscience from Duke University in 2012, and later obtained postdoctoral training under the mentorship of Dr. Lila Davachi at the New York University Department of Psychology.

Dr. Murty has served as the Principal Investigator of projects funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Institute on Drug Abuse. His current research investigates how network connectivity across the mesolimbic dopamine system contributes to episodic memory and adaptive behavior.  He has co-authored numerous peer-reviewed articles in high-impact scientific journals including Nature, Biological Psychiatry, and Journal of Neuroscience, and serves as the first author for 12 of those publications.  Dr. Murty has also disseminated his work through presentations at scientific meetings and conferences in the United States and China. 

In addition to conducting his research activities, Dr. Murty is actively engaged in the training and mentorship of students, residents and postdoctoral fellows, and is frequently invited to review manuscripts for journals including Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Journal of Neuroscience, and Biology Psychiatry, among others.